Free hip-hop beats for download
I created this page to help rappers finding this page that offers free hip-hop beats.
There’s a lot of artists out there who just don’t want to spend money on rap beats, we got them covered!
There’s also a segment of rappers who just don’t have money to spend on instrumentals. I remember as a teenager hitchhiking with 2 of my buddies to another city, to meet a producer, and the bad feeling when I heard the sum of money he wanted to charge for just a beat. Back then there were not so many available for free around the web. There wasn’t much internet either.
What we offer, apart from free hip-hop beats
On this website you’ll find lots of rap beats, hip-hop instrumentals, soundtracks.
Each rap beat has its own page where you can read the short description, some technical details such as Tempo, duration…
You can listen to it and choose to download by clicking the 3 vertical dots on the player.
All our beats are offered in high quality 320kbps MP3 file format.
Freestyle rap beats download, battle rap instrumental.
Hard rap beats, royalty-free hip-hop instrumentals.
Rap instrumentals download, rap beats for practicing, advanced, pro.
Emotional, romantic, sad, depressive hip-hop beats.
Try our beats as a soundtrack for your video projects, they work really well.
All our rap beats are free to download, there’s no registration or login required.
There’s no copyright on the beats, they’re served as they are, we’re not responsible for the damage you might cause by using them. That was a joke.
All the rap instrumentals are royalty-free. It’s your choice what you will do with them: live, recordings, sales, remix, modding, re-distribution, DIY, whatever…
Spread the word
Although crediting is not required, we would greatly appreciate it.
You could also publish links to our website on your sites, blogs, forums, social media accounts.
The more links to our website, the easier will be for others to find us, that’s how google works.
Got any complaints, suggestions, requests? Please use the contact page to send us your thoughts.
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates about our latest beats. We’re not spamming.
Are you a talented artist? Use our beats, any of them, and send us your work, files, accounts, links, whatever, and we’ll publish it on our spotlight page.
Thanks for dropping by, see you soon!